red wine velvet cupcake
A red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting dusted with a freeze-dried strawberry and cacao nib powder and shaved chocolate
Note: this is not a traditional red velvet cupcake - I don’t use food coloring so the cupcake will not be bright red
A red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting dusted with a freeze-dried strawberry and cacao nib powder and shaved chocolate
Note: this is not a traditional red velvet cupcake - I don’t use food coloring so the cupcake will not be bright red
A red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting dusted with a freeze-dried strawberry and cacao nib powder and shaved chocolate
Note: this is not a traditional red velvet cupcake - I don’t use food coloring so the cupcake will not be bright red
AP Flour, Baking Soda, Brown Sugar, Butter, Cacao Nibs, Cinnamon, Cocoa Powder, Cornstarch, Cream Cheese, Eggs, Freeze-Dried Strawberries, Granulated Sugar, Lemon Juice, Milk, Milk Chocolate, Red Wine*, Salt, Vanilla Extract
Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, Wheat
*any alcohol contained in the red wine is expelled in the baking process but a slight wine flavor remains